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Problemer med klaveposisjon


På grunn av pågående solstormer er det eksterne forstyrrelser i GPS-systemet som klavene bruker for å registrere posisjonen. Dette gjør at dyrets posisjon blir feil, med følge at dyr kan få støt og bli registrert som rømt.

Hvis dine klaver er veldig påvirket av dette så anbefaler vi følgende tiltak:

  • Utvid beite om mulig og eventuelt tilby mat / vann i god avstand fra beitegrense
  • Hold beitegrenser minst 20 meter unna bygninger for å unngå flere forstyrrelser på en gang
  • Deaktiver beite og hold dyrene inngjerdet.

Vi kommer tilbake med mer informasjon.

You will need

1. 3mm Hex key
HEX Image

2. Gloves (recommended)

3. A cloth
Frame 19

Frame 4

1 Remove the chains.


Frame 6

Loosen the screw and remove it


Frame 7

3 Slide the old bracket off.
Note: The gloves may be needed if it's hard to remove.

Frame 9

4 Clean collar with a moist cloth and allow to dry.

Frame 15 (1)

! Make sure that the area around the metal contact pins is clean.

Installing the new bracket

Frame 10

Slide the new bracket into place.

Frame 11-1

6  Insert the screw back in.

Frame 16-1

! Avoid tightening too hard. This is important to avoid damage to the new bracket and collar.

Frame 5

7  Attach the chains to the new bracket.

Do you need more replacement brackets?

Have you received replacement brackets, but not enough?

If you have not received enough replacement brackets, you can contact customer support by sending a support-ticket and request more brackets.

Do you have a voucher?

If you have received a voucher, you can redeem and order a free replacement brackets from the internal store. You must log in to your account pages and be the primary account holder to order.

Note: The voucher only covers the number of brackets you have applied for.

Is the problem still not solved?

If the above steps did not resolve the problem with the collar, you can contact Nofence customer support by clicking the button below.

Contact us:

United Kingdom & Ireland
+44 (0)1952 924044

Opening hours
9:00 - 17:00