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What is Nofence?

Nofence is the worlds first commercial virtual fencing solution for livestock, where the animals are controlled by GPS-collars and an app.

Virtuelt gjerde

Nofence Grazing Technology consists of a solar-powered GPS collar and a digital boundary. The collar communicates with our easy-to-use app and web portal via the mobile network. The fencing function only relies on the GPS, but we recommend having mobile coverage in major parts of the pasture for monitoring and control in the app.


With a touch of a fingertip, you'll be able to give your animals access to rich pastures and save time and money by not having to build and maintain fences. Nofence also lets you track your animals' movements in real-time where you will get a notification if anything happens with your animals.


Simply define the area and build your virtual fence in the Nofence app. The virtual fences can easily be adjusted or moved, giving animals access to new areas and healthy pastures whenever you decide. You can also create exclusion zones to close off areas of the pasture that you want to prevent the animals from entering. Ideal for managed grazing, conservation grazing and agricultural fencing.


Nofence trains the animals to turn around on audio. When the animal crosses the Nofence boundary, the collar starts playing an audio warning. The audio warning is a scale of tones, which starts at a low pitch and rises gradually as the animal moves through the boundary zone. If the whole scale has been played, a mild, but effective electric pulse will be given. The animal then learns to recognise the audio warning and turns around to avoid the electric pulse.

Introduction to how Nofence works


The Nofence boundary

The Nofence-app

Locating the animals

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By giving the animals access to good and varied pastures, you increase animal welfare, keep them away from dangerous areas and provide more grazing days.

The animals are given the opportunity to graze in terrain where it is difficult to set up physical fences. It becomes easier to monitor each individual animal, and you avoid animals getting stuck in fences and suffering, or disappearing and not being found until it is too late. 

In addition, virtual fencing do not cause harm to wild animals.

Nofence is excellent for managed grazing. You can easily monitor the animals' activity and change grazing patterns from day to day. This allows you to do conservation grazing, utilizing the grazing areas more efficiently, which maximizes energy uptake in the grass, prevents overgrazing and cuts costs. By expanding the share of grazing in outfields or increasing the herd size, you will be able to increase earnings.

Remote control of virtual fences gives you far better control, as you can set up, customize or remove them at any time, from anywhere.

Med Nofence kan du bruke tiden på tilsyn med dyra, i stedet for tid- og kostnadskrevende vedlikehold av fysiske gjerder. Du kan enkelt flytte flokken fra ett beiteområde til et annet, uten å måtte flytte fysiske gjerder eller sette opp nye.

I tillegg til økt produktivitet og lønnsomhet bidrar Nofence til mer kvalitetstid med dyra. Siden du får melding via appen om noe uforutsett skulle skje, kan du hele tiden føle deg trygg på at dyra er der de skal, og at de har det bra.

God beitestyring er avgjørende for å gi jordsmonnet optimal tilgang på vann, næring og lys.

Jorda er den viktigste ressursen på en gård. De som investerer i jorda ved å legge til rette for høyere beitebelegg, kortere beiteperiode og gode gjenvekstmuligheter for gress, vil øke lønnsomheten i det lange løp.

Det som er bra for jorda, er bra for bondens lommebok.