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Possible issues with payments

Here are some of the most common issues that we have found when invoices are shown as unpaid.

The bank transfer did not have a reference and Nofence cant link your payment to the invoice.

Problem: Nofence requires you to enter the invoice number into the reference when making bank transfer to pay off an invoice.

Solution: To fix this you can send Nofence an email with a bank statement attached and the invoice number in the body of the email.
This email can be sent to uk.finance@nofence.no

An old invoice is still not paid.

Problem: Nofence may have missed an old payment which was not paid and the system has only just started to notify you.

Solution: To fix this you should pay this bill by a bank transfer, The payment information is available on the payment details on the account pages. Remember to reference the invoice number in the payment reference field. 

Business customer issues with payments

Remittance documents have not been received.

Problem: Nofence has not received remittance documents and we are unaware that payment has been made.

Solution: To fix this all remittance emails should automatically be sent to uk.finance@nofence.no

I require a running purchase order (P.O.) number on the invoices for a certain amount of time.

Problem: Although not a legal requirement some companies use P.O. Numbers to keep track and account for invoices.

Solution: To add a P.O. number that will automatically applied to all invoices for a period of time you can set this up in account pages. located in the settings and then billing & delivery section. 

I require a unique purchase order (P.O.) number on the invoice

Problem: Although not a legal requirement some companies use P.O. Numbers to keep track and account for invoices.

Solution: Nofence will send a draft usage invoice on the 5th of every month and give you the ability to submit a P.O. number that will be added to the final invoice on the 10th and emailed automatically. Please note: after the 10th it will not be able to add a P.O. number, and the invoice cannot be re-submitted.

Send a Help ticket

You can directly send a ticket to help and support by filling out ticket, we will ask you specific question in the form to help us diagnose issues quickly.

Response time:

1 working day

Phone call
+44 1952 924044

Open Hours
Monday - Friday